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[Continued from page 85]

of more than 5' above it and on the upper side
does not exceed 3'.6". The summit area meas:
:ures some 40' in dia. [diameter] and is not very level.
On the S.W. [South West] face is a depression some
12' across and gradually falling to a depth
of 4' below the summit level. This appears to
be secondary and the soil from it has
seemingly been used to level a platform at
the edge of the bank of the linn and partly to
close the end of the trench in that direction.
This construction is very similar to that
on the Wanlock Water up the Crawick Pass
in Sanquhar Parish.

?Cairn site of.
About 1/4 m. [mile] NNE. [North North East] of the Grey Mare's Tail waterfall
near Benthead on a slight eminence towards
the crest of the ridge is the site of a large
delapidated construction probably a large
circular cairn from which the larger stones
have been removed.

Shielings Knockhill.
On the lower grassy slopes of Knockhill about
1/2 m. [mile] SE. [South East] of Townfoot loch is a group of four
shieling bothies - small oblong round ended
constructions, probably of turf with a few
boulders in the foundations.

Small Cairns Knockhill
Around the summit of the Knockhill
(see Antea) are many more small cairns

[Continued on page 87]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Trevor J Graham