As a transcriber of ScotlandsPlaces I hereby assign to the National Records of Scotland on behalf of the Crown all copyrights and rights in the nature of copyrights to which I am legally entitled in all work produced by me while working on the ScotlandsPlaces website.
ScotlandsPlaces Terms and Conditions of Purchase
This does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer.
Payment Method
Payment online is by Credit or Debit Card. Please phone to make any other payment arrangements. Contact details below.
Right to Cancel
If you have taken out a subscription in error, phone us immediately and we will cancel the payment and void your access details. You have fourteen days to cancel. Please note that if you use the service, by logging into ScotlandsPlaces during this period, provision of our service will have begun and your right to cancel may be affected. We reserve the right to make a charge if you have been making use of the online service before you cancel.
Mistakes in Bills, Receipts, etc
We will correct any mistakes in credit card charges, bills, receipts or payments as soon as you inform us.
Problems, Questions, Suggestions
If you have any question regarding your order, please contact Neil Fraser via: Phone: +44 (0) 131 662 1456 Fax: +44 (0) 131 662 1477 Email: Office Hours: Mon - Fri, 0900 - 1700 UK time; Closed all major public holidays. An out of hours answering service operates. Calls are charged at normal national rates.
Our Company Details
Scran (part of Historic Environment Scotland) John Sinclair House 16 Bernard Terrace Edinburgh EH8 9NX United Kingdom T: (+44) 0131 662 1456 F: (+44) 0131 662 1477 E: W:
Company and Charity Registrations
Historic Environment Scotland is a Non Departmental Public Body established by the Historic Environment Scotland Act 2014 and is a charity registered in Scotland No. SC045925. Charity registered address: Longmore House, Salisbury Place, Edinburgh. The word Scran and the logo are registered trademarks. The company is registered in Scotland: The Scran Trust is Scottish Charity No. SCO24961 and a Company Limited by Guarantee No. SC166833. Scran Ltd is No. SC163518. Registered Office: 16 Hill Street, Edinburgh EH2 3LD. Scran Ltd VAT No: 682772107
The images, information and data featured on this website are subject to Crown Copyright and other Intellectual Property Rights as indicated. There are also copyrights relating to the database itself and to the design, structure and code employed in the website. There are also rights which apply to the individual websites belonging to HES, the NRS and the NLS which are access from this site. The partners in ScotlandsPlaces recognise these and they have a legal duty to enforce and protect these rights.
Access to ScotlandsPlaces and Your Agreement to the Licence
Access to ScotlandsPlaces is provided under a Licence which is set-out below. Your use of ScotlandsPlaces automatically indicates your agreement to the following licence and the terms are contractually binding on you. If you do not wish to agree to this licence, do not use the website.
Purchasing digital media for other uses
Contact us for further permission to use Licensed Digital Media by clicking the Order Image button when viewing an image. We will issue a specific licence for any other requirement and we will indicate if a payment needs to be made.
User licence for ScotlandsPlaces
The Partners - The National Records of Scotland, the National Library of Scotland, and Historic Environment Scotland. User - any person, group or legal entity who accesses this website and browses, searches, downloads or copies material contained in this website domain or who accesses material derived from this website Licence - the contract between the Partners and the User which sets out the terms and conditions of use ScotlandsPlaces - a web service and website created for public access to data from the Partner organisations Personal Use - use by an individual Educational Use - use by a recognised educational institution or student or member of staff Distribution - providing any downloaded material to any third party by any means Licensed Digital Media - images, text or data which may be downloaded electronically and stored on a User's computer or electronic device
The Parties
The parties to this Licence are The Partners and a User
Commencement Date
The licence commences on the date the User downloads any Digital Media from the ScotlandsPlaces website.
Subject to the terms of this licence, The Partners grant to the User a limited, non-exclusive, non transferable licence to allow the User to use the Licensed Digital Media solely for Personal Use or Educational Use as specified. Personal Use is granted in accordance with the terms of this Licence for research, study or personal display and printout only. The user may store Licensed Digital Media on their personal computer or electronic device but may not Distribute the Licensed Digital Media. Educational Use is granted in accordance with the terms of this Licence for research and study only. The user and the user's staff, students, readers or visitors may create documents or publications for internal institutional use and for sharing and storing on a secure intranet, as long as the source of the information (ScotlandsPlaces website) is acknowledged and the source of any image is attributed (for example, 'The National Records of Scotland', 'The National Library of Scotland', or 'Historic Environment Scotland') and an image reference number is quoted. The User shall not use or exploit the Licensed Digital Media or any part thereof save in accordance with this Licence. All rights in relation to the Licensed Digital Media not expressly granted to the User under this Licence are reserved to the Partners. The User shall not: a) sell, resell, license, distribute, transmit or commercially exploit Licensed Digital Media b) make the Licensed Digital Media or any part thereof available in any manner or on any media to any third party save in accordance with this Licence c) reproduce or amend the Licensed Images or any part thereof in any manner d) use the Licensed Images or any part thereof for any purpose other than Personal Use or Educational Use unless the User has been granted explicit prior written consent to do so by the Partners. Institutional subscriptions will be purchased using an institutional email account and this account may be used to log in on behalf of visitors to the institution to up to two visitors at any one time. The visitors must only use the subscription access on the property of the institution for which the subscription was purchased. This Licence shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Scots law and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish courts.
Ordnance Survey Licence Agreement
Licence Agreement
One Scotland Mapping Agreement: Schedule 5 - End User Licence This Data licence is designed as a click to accept terms and conditions for an online data down load. To accept this licence (during registration), read the document carefully and then tick to accept the Licence in the main site window and press Submit. By clicking on the Submit button (during registration) and by accessing the data you will be deemed to be bound by the terms of this licence.
We (Historic Environment Scotland, The National Library of Scotland, and The National Records of Scotland) grant you a non exclusive non-transferable licence (without the right to sublicence) to copy and use the Data which is derived from Ordnance Survey data in accordance with the terms of this licence agreement. You may only use the Data for your own internal business use, that is use of Data for the internal administration and operation of your business and not for any commercial purpose, and not for financial profit or gain. Financial gain would include any profit whether direct or indirect, or benefit from the use or publication of the Data in any form.
Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual Property Rights in the Data are owned by the Crown and us. You shall not have any rights or interests in the Data other than as described in this licence. You must ensure that you protect and do not interfere with any trade names and Trade Marks that are in or accompany the Data. All copies of the Data in whatever form must contain the following acknowledgement "© Crown Copyright. All rights reserved 2012".
You may only use the Data for your internal business use. You must not sublicense, lend, sell, lease, assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of the Data or this licence. You must not modify, alter, decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Data beyond that which is necessary to allow the use of the Data within your system.
We promise that we have the power to grant this licence. however, you acknowledge that the data has not been prepared to meet your individual requirements and therefore it is provided to you on an as is basis. It is your responsibility to ensure that the data is fit for your intended use. To the fullest extent permitted by law we exclude any conditions or terms that may be implied by law. We shall not in any event be liable for any indirect, special, consequential, or incidental losses or for loss of data, loss of profits, loss of or interruption to business whether arising in tort (including negligence) contract or otherwise. We do not attempt to exclude any liability that cannot be excluded. excepting the above, our total and aggregate liability to you in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise will not at any time exceed an amount equal to the licence fee (if applicable) paid by you.
You are licensed to use the data for 1 year (Term). This licence will immediately terminate on termination of the licence between Ordnance Survey and Historic Environment Scotland, The National Library of Scotland, and The National Archives of Scotland), if such termination occurs prior to the end of the Term.
We may terminate this licence at any time if any of the following events arises: You breach any of the terms of this licence; You become insolvent or bankrupt or cease to do business. In the event of termination of this licence, you shall cease to use the Data and if we request, you shall immediately either return or destroy the Data. You will provide us with written confirmation of the action you have taken.
Rights of Third Parties
Furthermore, we both agree that Ordnance Survey and the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office shall benefit from the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 so that Ordnance Survey can enforce its rights directly against you.
This will be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and both parties accept the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. If any part of this licence is held to be invalid, unenforceable, or illegal, we both agree that the remainder of the licence will stand.
Freedom of Information
Each of the ScotlandsPlaces partners has a Freedom of Information publications scheme. For details of these go the respective websites: