

[Page] 83
[Continued from page 82]

angle between the streams are a number of mounds
with a distinctly artificial appearance and in
the centre an oval plat measuring some 33' by 25'.
The true character of these latter mounds and hollows
is not, however, apparent.
This is such a good fort that I have directed
the Architects to plan it.

Fort Remains of Old Barr.
The remains of a fort represented by a
broad defensive wall for the most part over:
:thrown and grass grown are to be seen
on the N. [North] side and NE. [North East] end of a long round backed
ridge which rises steeply from the right bank
of the Euchan Burn about 1/4 m. [mile] SSW. [South South West] of Old Barr
and 2 ms. [miles] SW. [South West] of Sanquhar. The wall is not
now continuous in its course and the plan
of the fort which appears to have been curvi:
:linear is not ascertainable. The area has been
under cultivation and the ruins of farm
buildings lie at its Western extremity.
Near the last mentioned fort I saw much of the
pink sweet-scented orchis in flower. It has been
very wet again this afternoon.

20th June 1912
Picked up Mr. Smith at Cowhill and Mr.
Boreland at Closeburn and under their guidance
went to Crichope Lynn. Mr. Boreland showed
me a flint knife or scraper found with

[Continued on page 84]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Trevor J Graham