

[Page] 85
[Continued from page 84]

73' from N. [North] to S. [South] and 76' from E. [East] to W. [West]
The outer edge of
the cist is set at 25' in from the edge of the
cairn on the E. [East]. It lies with its main axis
NNW [North North West] and SSE [South South East] and measures interiorly 3'.9" by 2
and [--] in depth, formed of single slabs for the
sides & ends. Within the cist was found a
finely wrought flint knife. A covering slab
has been replaced on the top again The
periphery of the cairn has been marked by
large boulders 2' to 3' in length and 1 1/2' to 2'
in height of which three only remain while
the beds from which other have been removed
are distinct.

Stroanfreggan Fort.
On the N. [North] of the Monibuie road about 1/4 m. [mile]
WNW. [West North West] of the point where it is joined by the
road from Holm of Dalquhairn
rises with a steep
gradient a ridge of rock trending in dir:
:ection from SW. [South West] to NE. [North East]. Occupying the
most prominent point of this ridge
where it presents a craggy face above
the small glen on the SE. [South East] is a stone
built fort. The main enclosure which
occupies the actual summit is roughly
circular subtended by a somewhat straight

[Continued on page 86]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Brenda Pollock