
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CRAIKNISH Craiknish Major MacPherson 063 A peninsula of considerable size situated a distance of about 2 miles westwards of Peinn Hough. The point is very rugged and bare. The shores of which is interspersed with numerous small islands and is supposed to have received its name from the various rents and Crags it is possessed of "Craig" means a rugged Rock, "Nish" a Snout which is pronounced "Craicnish". It is the property of His Grace " Duke of Argyll"
Poll Bàn
Poll Bàn
Reverend John G Campbell Tiree
Mr Alexander McLean Farmer Searnish
Mr Don Cameron Rudha Chràiginis
063 Very small inlet situated about 1/4 mile Eastwards of the most Westerly head of "Rudha Chràiginis" and on the South side of the latter named place. Meaning "White Pool"

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 12 Parish of Tiree Argyllshire
[signed] Kenneth Campbell C A [Civilian Assistant]

Transcriber's notes

The following names which appear to apply to Rudha Chràiginis may also apply to Craiknish:
Mr Donald Cameron
Reverend John Campbell Tiree
Mr Alexander McLean Farmer Searnish
Mr Don Cameron Rudha Chràiginis

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