Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Ferrie Parisch | |
The free Rentt Payid to the heritors lyfrenters proper wedsetters and uthers within the Parisch off Ferrie | |
off money tuo hundereth seventie nyne Pund tuo schillings aught peneis | £279.2.8 |
off Beare tuelwe chalder tuelwe boolls | £986.0.0 |
off Meall and oats tuelwe chalder tuo firletts | £818.2.6 |
Summa is tuo thousand aughtie three Pund fywe shillings tuo Penneis | £2083.5.2 |
More Payid in Casuall rentt for fisching four hundereth Pund | £400.0.0 |
More Payid in mortifeid rentt | |
off money sextie fywe pund aught shillings | £65.8.0 |
off Beare four chalder three boolls tuo firletts | £326.5.0 |
off Eatts three chalder fyftein boolls tuo firletts | £269.17.6 |
Summa is Sex hundereth sextieane Pund ten shillings sex penneis | £661.10.6 |
Summa off the whooll free rentt off this Parisch besyd whatt is payed in mortifeid rentt is tuo thousand four hndereth aughtie three Pund fywe shillings tuo penneis | £2483.5.2 |
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