Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Stewarton | |
Mony Rent in the said parish Fyve thousand Four scoir sex punds sextein shillings Nyn pennys | £5086.16.9 |
Meill thretti sex chalder threttin bolls tuo furleits off the mesur of Lithhgow [Lithgow] pryce of the boll Four pund Ten shillings [£4.10.0] Inde Tuo thousand sex hundreth Fifti tuo punds fyftene shillings | £2652.15.0 |
Beir sex chalder thrie bolls off the said mesur of Lithhgow [Lithgow] pryce of the boll Four punds threttin shill [shillings] Four penys [£4.13.4] Inde Four hundreth threescoir tuo punds | £462.0.0 |
Cheiss threescoir stains at twenti sex shill [shillings] aucht penys [£1.6.8] per stain Inde Four scoir punds | £80.0.0 |
Butter Twenti four stonn at Four merk [£2.13.4] the stonn Inde threescoir Four punds | £64.0.0 |
Wadders Twenti at Four merk [£2.13.4] the peice Inde Fifti three punds sex shill [shillings] aucht penys | £53.6.8 |
Suma [Summa] paroch aucht thousand three hundreth fourscore auchtein pund auchtein shill [shillings] fyve penys | £8398.18.5 |
Transcribe other information
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The Roll of the Rentis of the shyrefdom of Air Maid and Sett doun by the Comissioners [Commissioners] wnder subscryvand appoznted for that effect by act of the Estaitts of Parlt [Parliament] of this kingdom holdin at Edh [Edinburgh] the Fowrt of Agust 1649 [4 Aug 1649]: which Comissioners [Commissioners] having mett the ... day of ... Last bypast and diverss othr [other] dyetts threfter [therefter], and having vsed thr [their] best Indevors by examining of famous and Intelligent witness [witnesses] wpon oath for getting the trew knoledge of the Rentts within the sd [said] shyre according to the Comission [Commission] and the Instructiones Relating thrunto [thereunto]. And having takin further Informan [Information] of the trew worth of the wholl Rents of the samyn als weell Casuall as Constant and having Proceided Carefully thrin [therein] Efter serious and Mature deliberation, they have maid and sett doun the Roll Following In articles according to the Number of the severall Parishes within the said shyre, and have cast wp the sumes [summes] according to the direction of the Parlt [Parliament]
Transcriber's notes
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.1 merk = £0.13.4
Latin 'ut supra' - as above
Latin 'inde' - thus
wadder - wether, a castrated ram
Mesur = The measure - Linlithgow prick mett was the standard firlot measure with a diameter of 19 1/6 inches and a Depth of 7 1/3 inches
Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
Dauvit- Moderator, Caroline Macafee
Location information for this page.
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