Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Parrochin of Glasse | |
Off silver rent out of this parrochin tua thousand aught hundreth and tua punds -- lib | £2802.13.4 |
Payed to the minister attour his viccaladg out of this rent -- lib | £333.0.0 |
Restis of frie rent tua thousand four hundreth and sextie nyne pundis -- libs | £2469.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill fry Rent In the presbitry of Strabogij extends to threttein thowsand nyn hundreth and nyn punds threttein ss [shillings] 4 ds [penies] -- lib | £13909.13.4 |
The Totall of the pnt [present] valuatioun of this shire besyd the mortified rent and what is payed to the exchekqr [excheckquer] Extends To [Thrie] hundreth Ten thowsand Six hundreth four score fyve pound 6 ss [shillings] 8 ds [pennies] | £310685.6.8 |
The Mortified rent and what is payed to the exchekqr [exchekquer] Extendis To fourtie thrie thowsand four hundreth and fourtie pound | £43440.0.0 |
The Totall of the former valuaun [valuatioun] Extendis To Thrie hundreth threttein thowsand pound | £313000.0.0 |
The former valuaun [valuatioun] Extendis this pnt [present] in the sowme of Twa thowsand Thrie hundreth fyftein pound | £2315.0.0 |
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[Page] 374[Signed]
J Kennedy
G Skene
G Forbes
Thomas Jhonstone
Thomas Erskine
Thomas Sandelands
William forbes
Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
Jane F Jamieson, Dauvit- Moderator
Location information for this page.
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