Proprietor and land | Valuation |
2: Kilmarnock | |
Money Rent Aucht thowsand threescoir four punds tuell shillings on pennys | £8064.12.1 |
Meill Fifti chalder Fiftein bolls 1 Pc [pec] 1½ fot [forpet] pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde three thowsand sex hundreth threescor sevin pund sevintein shill [shillings] aucht penys | £3667.17.8 |
Beir Ten chalder pryce and Mesure vt supra Inde Sevin hundreth Fourti sex punds threttin shill [shillings] Four penys | £746.13.4 |
Wadders threescore pryce vt supra Inde On hundreth thriescore punds | £160.0.0 |
Butter Fourti stain pryce vt supra On hundreth sex pund threttin shill [shillings] Four penys | £106.13.4 |
Cheiss Fifti stonn pryce vt supra Threescoir sex punds threttin shill [shillings] Four penys | £66.13.4 |
Oatts On chalder aucht bolls at Four punds ten shill [shillings] [£4.10.0] per boll Inde on hundreth aucht punds | £108.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] Paroch Twell thowsand Nyn hundreth Twenty punds Nyn shill [shillings] Nyn penys | £12920.9.9 |
Loudon: | |
Money Rent Three thowsand ellevin pund ellevin shill [shillings] sex penys | £3011.11.6 |
Meill Twenty chalder on boll on firikn [firkin] pryce and mesir vt supra Inde On thousand Four hundreth Forti five punds Twell shillings sex penys | £1445.12.6 |
Beir Ten chalder three bolls pryce and mesire vt supra Inde sevin hundreth sevin pund sex shill [shillings] aucht penys | £707.6.8 |
Wheitt Tuo chalder mesur Lithhgow pryce of the boll sex pund sextein shill [shillings] aucht penys [£6.16.8] Inde Tuo hundreth auchtein punds threttin shill [shillings] four penys | £218.13.4 |
Oatts three chalder on boll pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde Tuo hundreth Twenti punds ten shillings | £220.10.0 |
Suma [Summa] Paroch Fyv thowsand sex hundreth thre punds Fourtein shillings | £5603.14.0 |
Kilmairs | |
Money Rent on thowsand three hundreth Fifti sex punds three shillings | £1356.3.0 |
Meill Fourti three chalder on boll fyve pec by pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde three thowsand Foure score Nyntein punds Four shill [shillings] Ten pennys | £3099.4.10 |
Beir Fyftein chalder pryce and mesur vt supra Inde On thowsand on hundreth and Twenti punds | £1120.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] paroch Fyve thowsand Fyv hundreth threscoir Fiftein punds sevin shill [shillings] Ten penys | £5575.7.10 |
Dreghorn: | |
Money On thowsand sex hundreth Fourescoir Fourtein punds Nyn shill [shillings] Foure penys | £1694.9.4 |
Meill Sextein chalder Fyve bolls pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde On thowsand on hundreth Threescoir fourtein punds Ten shillings | £1174.10.0 |
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