
Names of Proprietors Names of Lands Valuation Valuation (Total)
Sir John Scott of Ancrum Bart. Mill park £73.16.10
Lawn park Dovecoat park Garden and Orchyard Cumming Brae and pertinents £147.12. 8
Howden £201.17. 7
Shad Braidlaw & Croft and part of Bellsbutts £307. 6. 1
Troupenny and part of Bellsbutts £124. 6. 4
Hairstains £300.17. 8
Mill Lands and Multures £102.15. 0
Howdmanshaugh £15. 1. 4
Palacehill £240. 2. 9
Garsitaw £150.13. 2
Barnpark £18.16. 8
Four houses & Yards in Bellsbutts £20.14. 0
Carry over £1704. 0. 1

Transcribe other information

Page 1st
Valuation Book
of the
County of Roxburgh
Parish of Ancrum

Transcriber's notes

E/106/29/4 in modern hand

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Dauvit- Moderator, Nora Edwards, charles