
Proprietor and land Valuation
Oxnam paroche
The Earle of Roxbrugh £13926.13.4
The Earle of Lothian £8384.4.0
Simeon Elliot of Sunisyde £1600.0.0
John Rutherfurd of Ladfeild & dolphistoun £380.0.0
George Rutherfurd for falla £380.0.0
Andrew Ainslie for blackhill and foulsheils £353.6.8
The Lord jedburgh for Rickeltoun £533.6.4
John Ainslie of harkers £66.13.4
Boonran for Overtoune £466.13.4
Edgerstoune for stotfield & the narraw £466.13.4
William douglas of Curnyertoun £440.0.0
Andrew Ainslie & George pylle for the temple land £104.0.0
Suma [Summa] of the rent of oxnam paroche is £14101.10.8
Jedbrugh parache
The Acres of jedbrugh £3064.0.0
The countes of weymes £220.0.0
James porteous of Langtoun £40.0.0
The Lord Cranstoune £418.0.0
The laird of timpedean £418.0.0
William Madder in Langtoun £680.13.4
James Madder there £582.13.4
William Scougald for neither walls and garden peills stock & teynd £390.0.0
John Hasnell for over wells and teynd thereof £300.13.4
William Hasnell for the lands in ulstoun £104.4.6
ffrancis Hasnell there £104.4.8
Adam Hasnell there £104.4.6
Thomas Moir for Rennaldson £200.0.0
Sir Thomas Ker of Cavers for Semistoun £333.6.8
Robert Davidson portioner of Semistoun £233.6.8
Walter Gladstones portioner there £233.6.8
James Madder in ulstoun £26.13.4
Adam douglas thair £40.0.0
William douglas there £40.0.0
Robert Ker of Gillistongues £66.13.4
The Marques of douglas for the lands in swine standtlelan old jedr. [jedbrugh] stock & Teynd & lands in Lintillie £626.13.4
The Lord Rutherfurd his rent is £1133.6.8
John Rutherfurd of skraisbrugh £33.6.8
John Rutherfurn of Edgerstones for Edgerstoune and Bromidoun stock & teynd £2711.0.0
William Crombie for bankend stock onlie £533.6.8
George douglas of Bonjedr. [Bonjedbrugh] for his lands and teynds £4000.0.0
ffrancis Scot of mangerstone for eastrig thicksyde and his lands in ulstoun £1078.13.4
The Earle of Lothian for old jedbrugh and langlie teyndes of Birnrig & ulstoun £408.6.8
Mathew Robson for birnirige £83.6.8
Andro Alinslie for the teynd of castlewood field £166.13.8
The touns of jedr. [jedburh] for the thirie £333.6.8
Mr. John Ker for the teynds of hyndhousfield and Bongate cross 300 lib the teynd of jedr. [jedbrugh] syde £516.0.0
Robert Lord jedbrugh for his lands in over crailing mains and mylne thereof with the teyndes of the samen The lands of fairnihirst and mylne thereof with the teynds of the samen the lands of eister ad wester hundilie with the mylne thereof Rattinraw and the head falls and extendes to £4056.0.0
The teyndes of Hundalie £208.0.0
Mr. Charles Ker for the teynds of bankend and moir field Acres £133.6.8
The teyndes of sennstoun £56.0.0
Suma [Summa] of the rent of jedr. [jedbrugh] paroch is £23255.6.8

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