Number | Proprietors | Lands | Valuation Sub | Valuation |
3 Aug 1773 | In the Parish of Cathcart | |||
Subdivision of the Articles which stand rated in the first page of this book as under Vizt. | ||||
Sir John Maxwell of Pollok his part of Cathcart Three hundred and ninety Two pounds Six shillings and eight pennies | £396.6.8 | |||
Aikenheads lands of Hagton hill including Twelve pounds of Cathcart Valuation | £112.0.0 | |||
Williamwoods lands & his feuars in Cathcart including Seventy five pounds Scots of Cathcart Valuation Five hundred pounds Twelve shillings & four pennies | £500.12.4 | |||
[Total] | £1008.19.0 | |||
Now Subdivided thus | ||||
Aikenheads lands of Hagtonhill One hundred pounds | £100.0.0 | |||
His part of Cathcart Twelve pounds | £12.0.0 | |||
Carry Over | £112.0.0 |
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We William Mure Esqr of Caldwell & William Davidson Esqr Chief Magistrate of PaisleyTwo of the Commissioners of Supply of the County
of Renfrew and John Wylie Clerk of supply
of said County. Do hereby certify that the
following is a just and true Extract from the
Valuation Book of the Shire of Renfrew Vizt.
[signed] John Wylie Clerk
[Page] 1A
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