Number | Proprietors | Lands | Valuation Sub | Valuation |
Brot [Brought] over | £112.0.0 | |||
Williamwoods lands of Castlemains & Walkers land part of the Estate of Cathcart held of Sir James Maxwell Seventy five pounds | £75.0.0 | |||
Williamwoods other lands and feuars in Cathcart parish Four hundred and twenty five pounds Twelve shillings and four pennies | £425.12.4 | |||
[Added in pencil but not taken into account in total] | £190.2.4 | |||
[Added in pencil but not taken into account in total] | £235.10.0 | |||
The Mill and Mill lands of Cathcart Fifty pounds eleven shillings | £50.11.0 | |||
The Mains of Cathcart Causewayhead and Kirkstile Kirkwall Killmaillen & Mathers land and remanent lands of Cathcart belonging in property to Sir James Maxwell Three hundred and fourty five pounds fifteen shillings & eight pennies | £345.15.8 | |||
[Total] | £1008.19.0 | |||
10 Oct 1786 | Parish of Cathcart | |||
The Commissioners of Supply by their Decreet bearing date the tenth day of October one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Six Years, appointed and Ordained the Article in the Cess books stated thus - | ||||
- The Twenty shilling land of Williamwood part of the lands of Bogton, and of the four merks land of Bogton belonging in | ||||
in property to _____ Maxwell ↑ and ______ Pagan, and in Superiority to James Maxwell of Williamwood, One hundred and ninety pounds two shillings and four pennies, to be now divided, and stand rated therein as follows Vizt. | ||||
The Twenty Shilling land of Williamswood belonging to James Maxwell of Williamwood, Fifty eight pounds, ten shillings | £58.10.0 | |||
The part of the Four Merk land of Bogton belonging to ______ Maxwell Seventy three pounds two shillings and four pennies | £73.2.4 | |||
And the Part of the Four merk land of Bogton belonging to ______ Pagan Fifty Eight pounds, ten shillings | £58.10.0 | |||
Given at Paisley the 29. of May 1812. | £190.2.4 |
Transcribe other information
[Signed] John Wylie Clerk [both pages][Signed] Dr [Doctor] William Mure C.S. [Commissioner of Supply]
[Signed] P. M. Davidson C. S. [Commissioner of Supply]
↑ now wife of the Revd. [Reverend] James Hall minister of the
Gospel in Edinburgh
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