Number | Proprietors | Lands | Valuation Sub | Valuation |
Nether Pollok Ltd. [Limited] | Sir John Maxwell of Pollok his part thereof Three hundred ninety six pounds six shillings and eight pence | £396.6.8 | ||
Corporation of Glasgow Vide Allocation p. [page]43 | Aikenheads Lands of Hagtoun Hill including twelve pounds of Cathcart valuation is One hundred and twelve pounds | £112.0.0 | ||
Vide Allocation p. [page] 43 Composition paid by James Stewart of Williamwood on 23rd Novr [November] 1899 on an OVR [Old Valuation Roll] of £409.10.0 Scots - By Compromise The following parts of Williamwood lands belong to Miss Maxwell Graham's TR [Trustee] £0.20.0 land [twenty shilling land] of Williamwood £58.10.0 Part of Bogton £73.2.4 Part of Bogton £58.10.0 [Total] £100.2.4 | Williamswoods Lands and his feuers in Cathcart including Seventy five pounds Scots of Cathcart valuation is Five hundred pounds twelve shillings and four pence | £500.12.4 | ||
Valuation of the Parish of Cathcart | ||||
Vide Allocation p. [page] 43 Nether Pollok Ltd. [Limited] | The Lands of Cathcart valued to Four hundred Eighty three pounds six Shillings and eight pence Scots | |||
Subdivided as follows |
Transcribe other information
[Page 1]Renfrew 24
Land Tax at £1.6.1 5/8 per
£100.0.0 Scots of Valued Rent.
The Valuation Book
of the Shire
Renfrew See p [page] 26
Containing the Valuation of the particular lands in each
Parochin with the present possessors names and Designations
in this year One thousand seven hunder and thirty five.
[signed] John Maxwell Clerk
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Nellie- Moderator, kate117
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