Proprietor and land | Valuation |
James Watsone of Sauchtoune 284lb [pound] for James Ellies 182lb [pound]13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] for James Hadden 174lb [pound] for Georg Girdwood 73lb [pound] 3ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] for Broomhouses 480lb [pound] inde | £1193.16.0 |
Gabriell Rankines heirs | £30.10.0 |
John Alexander | £18.6.8 |
Robert Scotts heirs | £6.0.0 |
James Wilkie | £15.5.0 |
Alexander Baillie | £41.5.0 |
James Gibsone | £18.6.8 |
Thomas Baillies heirs | £28.0.0 |
James Johnstoune | £18.6.8 |
Hercules Gardiner | £14.13.4 |
George Aitkine | £14.13.4 |
Thomas Baillie in Meadowfield | £24.0.0 |
James Murray | £24.0.0 |
John Johnstoune | £36.14.0 |
Mr William Binning | £18.6.8 |
John Patersone | £4.13.4 |
Mr Archbald Hamiltoune for Thomas Begg | £4.13.4 |
£5395.19.8 | |
Crammond | |
Roystoune | £512.0.0 |
Grantoune | £346.7.0 |
Pilltoune | £600.0.0 |
Sr [Sir] John Smyth 1336 [pound] Divided thus | |
Drylaw for himselfe 750lb [pound] & for a pairt of John Smyths 254lb [pound] 7ss [shilling] 2d [pennies] that belonged to Barntoun | £1004.0.0 |
Sr [Sir] James Inglis of Crammond 690lb 13s 4d [£690.13.4] And for a pairt of Sr [Sir] John Smiths 662lb 6s 5d [£662.6.5] inde | £1353.9.9 |
Sr [Sir] John Young 1806lb [pound] 3ss [shilling] 1d [penny] Divyded thus | |
Sr [Sir] Andrew Mortoune for a pairt of Sr [Sir] John Youngs | £1200.13.4 |
Lord Charles Kerr for Over Crammond 605lb [pound] 9s [shilling] 9 [pennies] Ans for apairt of Patrick Hamiltounes 134lb [pound] inde | £739.9.9 |
Muirhouse | £660.0.0 |
[Lauriestoune] | £566.13.4 |
Graycruik | £336.0.0 |
Alexander Houisone 200lb [pound] & for a pairt of Patrick Hamiltoune 180lb [pound] inde | £380.0.0 |
[Messrs] Corse for John Corse | £140.0.0 |
The Laird of Cammo 200lb [pound] & for apt [a pairt] of Patrick Hamiltounes 313lb [pound] | £513.0.0 |
Corstoune | £33.0.0 |
Archbald Lun for Robert Burtaine | £9.0.0 |
John Hamiltoune for Christian Knight | £25.0.0 |
Earle of Ruglaine for Barntoune | £976.13.4 |
John Scott of Killeith | £657.13.4 |
Thomas Scott younger of Killeith | £657.13.4 |
Mr Robert Craig of Riccardtoune 516lb [pound] for Alexander Bealtoune 665lb [pound] 9ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] for Mr Robert Deanes 330lb [pound] inde | 1511.9.4 |
Sr [Sir] Thomas Gibsone | £93.10.0 |
Sr [Sir] James Baird | £308.13.4 |
Wariestoune 254lb [pound] And for Curriehill 286lb [pound] inde | £540.0.0 |
Baberstoune | £280.0.0 |
Ronald Campbell for Lord [Ball---ino] 77lb [pound] for John Stirlings heirs 178lb [pound] for John Stirlings relict 80lb [pound] for Arthur Strattoune 16lb [pound] | £347.0.0 |
Laurence Cuninghame | £50.0.0 |
Ravilrig | £401.0.0 |
Cockburne | £199.0.0 |
Whelpsyde | £95.5.0 |
Bootland | £191.6.8 |
Lord Forresters land now belonging to Sauchtoune | £25.6.8 |
James Nicoll | £10.0.0 |
£5359.2.8 | |
Ratho Paroch | |
Earle of Lauderdale | £1860.0.0 |
And for my Lord Forrester | £193.7.0 |
Sr [Sir] Alexander Dalmahoy | £1100.0.0 |
Ronald Campbell | £150.0.0 |
Laird of Ratho | £500.0.0 |
James [Winrahame] | £100.0.0 |
John Wilkie | £157.3.4 |
Sr [Sir] James Fleeming | £303.13.4 |
David Wilkie | £146.0.0 |
Bonningtoune | £782.10.0 |
Sr [Sir] John Gibsone 471lb [pound] A for Sr [Sir] John Young 124lb [pound] | £595.0.0 |
Archibald Lausone | £125.0.0 |
Thomas Kincaid | £240.0.0 |
£6252.13.0 | |
Southsyde of Kirklistoune | |
Inglistoune 1040lb [£1040.0.0] for Breistmilne 73lb [£73.0.0] for Carlourie 76lb [£76.0.0] | £1189.0.0 |
Eastfield | £252.0.0 |
Hallyeards | £700.0.0 |
Cliftounhall | £763.0.0 |
Linnesmilne | £93.0.0 |
Bridges | £329.0.0 |
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[Signed] R Thomsone
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