Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Hill | £177.0.0 |
James Samuel 29lb [pound] and for James Stevenson 30lb [pound] inde | £59.0.0 |
James Wilkie | £16.0.0 |
£3578.0.0 | |
Kirknewtoune | |
Lystounesheells | £195.0.0 |
Gray of Wariestoune | £56.0.0 |
Robert Thomsone for Inglestoune | £28.0.0 |
Mr George Henry | £54.0.0 |
James Libberstoune of Lyden | £98.0.0 |
Arthur Somervaill for Marion Pirrie | £12.0.0 |
William Baillie | £6.0.0 |
William Chrystie for Mr James oliphant | £30.0.0 |
John Clellands heirs for Thomas Edgarty heirs | £68.0.0 |
James Libbertoune | £36.0.0 |
Mr James Wauches heirs | £26.0.0 |
Mr John Somervaill | £102.0.0 |
Barbara Hunter | £96.0.0 |
Sr [Sir] Alexander Dalmahoy 146lb [pound] Devyded thus | |
Sr [Sir] Alexander Dalmahoy | £15.0.0 |
Walter porterfield for Humbie | £51.0.0 |
James Mcconnochie for meadowbank | £80.0.0 |
£1053.0.0 | |
Calderclear | |
Mr James oliphant 66lb [pound] 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] for George Dundass 80lb [pound] for Thomas Wilkies heirs 195lb [pound] 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] & for a pairt of Sr [Sir] Joseph Douglases 120lb [pound] 18ss [shilling] inde | £462.18.0 |
Edward Broune for apairt of Sr [Sir] Joseph Douglass | £143.8.8 |
William Chrystie for pairt of Sr [Sir] Joseph Douglass 50lb [pound] And for James Giffart 54lb [pound] inde | £104.0.0 |
Caderhall | £412.0.0 |
Selmes | £400.0.0 |
Alexander Douglas 330lb [pound] Divided thus | |
David Falconer on halfe | £165.0.0 |
Alexander Douglas of Mortoune ye [the] other halfe being 165lb [pound] & for one third of Sr [Sir] Josephs 157lb [pound] 3ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] inde | £322.3.4 |
James Douglass of Over Sheells | £162.13.4 |
Bonningtoune | £97.13.4 |
Cairns | £97.13.4 |
Buccleugh | £46.13.4 |
Earle of Lauderdale | £195.6.8 |
Robert Thomsone for yr [the] other Dalmahoy | £97.13.4 |
£2707.3.4 | |
Abrahame Pargillies | £120.0.0 |
James oswld of Spittle for Andrew Oswalds relict | £285.0.0 |
Robert Thomsone for Inglestoune Barvillaw | £86.0.0 |
Cairnes | £199.0.0 |
Mr John Inglis Advocat his heirs | £80.0.0 |
Linehouse | £487.0.0 |
John Hamiltoune for Sr [Sir] Joseph Douglass | £406.13.4 |
Samuell Johnstounes heirs | £32.13.9 |
Mr John Mitchell of Athertoune | £528.0.0 |
Lord Torphichan as now devyded by Agreement betwixt his Lordship, Marjoribanks & Alderstoune there is 786lb [pound] 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] Disjoyned from this paroch and added to ye [the] paroch of Westcalder | £3076.10.0 |
£4772.16.8 | |
Westcalder | |
Thomas Smellie for Thomas Kennway | £135.6.8 |
John Tennent | £200.0.0 |
Harwood | £165.0.0 |
John Hamiltoune of Grange | £208.7.0 |
John Russell of Bredshaw | £139.6.8 |
The Halfe of John Sandilands | £50.0.0 |
Mr William Douglass of Baads | £480.6.8 |
James Douglass of Muirhousedyke | £260.10.0 |
Linehouse for Corsettburn | £118.0.0 |
Robert Murray 52lb [pound] 61ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] & for ye [the] other halfe of John Sandilands | £102.6.8 |
[Herdmondsheels] | £305.0.0 |
Lord Torphicahen for Duntervie 85lb [pound] for John Measone 180lb [pound] And for Gaviesyde 96lb [pound] 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] inde 361lb [pound] 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] Ittem of his Lordships valued rent disjoyned from midcalder & now by agreement added to ye [the] valuatione of this paroch 786. [pound] 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] 1148 [pound] Divyded thus | |
Thomas Marjoribanks of that ilk | £620.0.0 |
James Purdie | £133.6.8 |
Thomas Clark | £97.13.4 |
£3010.1.8 |
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[Signed] R Thomsone
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