Proprietor and land | Valuation |
King Stables | |
Patrick Crawfoord | £24.3.4 |
Clement Brotherstones | £48.17.0 |
George Tod for a pairt of Issobell Simpsones | £14.0.0 |
Issobell Simpsone the rest | £84.0.0 |
William Thomsone | £21.6.8 |
Thomas Borlands | £98.0.0 |
£290.7.0 | |
Potterraw | |
Ritchard Ross 61lb [pound] divydit thus | |
Robert Thomsone | £30.10.0 |
The heirs of Edward Cuninghame | £15.5.0 |
Margaret Scoon | £15.5.0 |
Arthur Strattoune | £146.0.0 |
Dean of gild Hamiltoune | £64.9.0 |
James Muir | £19.7.0 |
John Strattoune | £36.13.4 |
Robert Stevenson for Hunters heirs 36lb [pound] 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] for Liddells airs 35lb [pound] inde | £71.13.4 |
Mr Ritchard Howisones air 145lb [pound] grof [whereof] Mr Ritchard Houisone minister | £13.10.0 |
Ritchard Houisone the rest | £101.10.0 |
David Bennet | £29.6.8 |
William Lauder | £26.2.0 |
Gabriell Weirs heirs | £60.0.0 |
Tailliors land | £43.10.0 |
Alexander Allan | £58.10.0 |
James Murdoch | £19.10.0 |
William Hastie for David Houisone | £39.0.0 |
Robert Forrester | £58.10.0 |
Alexander Monteith | £30.0.0 |
David Dicksone | £36.13.4 |
William Reid | £9.14.0 |
William Lillie for William Scott | £26.2.0 |
Thomas Hamiltoune | £12.0.0 |
Elizabeth Johnstounes heirs | £22.6.8 |
Gideon Lithgowes heirs | £26.13.4 |
James Wood | £44.0.0 |
James Scott | £70.0.0 |
Robert Patersone | £110.0.0 |
Alexander Herriot | £26.2.0 |
£1292.2.8 | |
Watter of Leith | |
Patrick Nisbet for Alexander Shed 110lb [pound] And for Grissell Bells heirs 10lb [pounds] 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] inde | £120.13.4 |
William Fergusone | £84.6.8 |
John Robertsone for James Sheell | £37.6.8 |
Adam Greive | £6.0.0 |
Thomas Robertsone | £43.0.0 |
Adam Foulis heirs for William Scott | £33.0.0 |
Adam Keir baxter | £11.3.4 |
Major Cuninghame | £11.3.4 |
William Lamb | £6.0.0 |
Archbald Wood for Falconers heirs | £10.0.0 |
William Watt for John Kerr | £6.0.0 |
James Finlay younger | £6.0.0 |
James Finlay for Margaret Steven | £4.6.8 |
Robert Finlay for Margaret Stevenson | £7.6.8 |
Andrew Willsone | £14.13.4 |
William Brotherstaines for Alexander Willsone | £12.3.4 |
Alexander Thomsone for Thomas Willsone | £12.3.4 |
William Hadden for John Hunter | £10.0.0 |
Andrew Dalrymple | £26.13.4 |
William Sinclair | £49.0.0 |
Walter Turnbull | £117.0.0 |
James Collvill for James Fergusone | £10.0.0 |
£638.0.0 | |
Haills | |
Lord Collingtoune | £833.0.0 |
And for Mr Robert Smyths heirs | £58.0.0 |
Craiglockhart | £333.6.8 |
Dreghorne | £333.6.8 |
Mortounehall for Suanstoune & Bowbridge | £413.6.8 |
Reidhall | £873.0.0 |
Comistoune | £474.13.4 |
Margaret Binning | £138.13.4 |
Woodhall | £732.13.4 |
Alexander Brand | £324.0.0 |
£4514.10.0 | |
Corstophine | |
Sr [Sir] Robert Dicksone for Corstophine | £1944.9.0 |
Gogar 1000lb [pound] And for Easter & wester Craig & for meadowfield 440lb [pound] inde | £1440.0.0 |
Sr [Sir] John Foulis | £500.0.0 |
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[Signed] R. Thomsone
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