INVENTORY OF MONUMENTS IN FIFE, KINROSS AND CLACKMANNAN.Damier. - An architectural enrichment of chessboard pattern.
Debruised. - The term employed in heraldry when a bend, fess, or other ordinary is placed across an animal
or other charge, which is then said to be debruised by the ordinary.
Decrescent. - Said of a crescent with its horns turned to sinister (Heraldry).
Dexter. - The right-hand side, opposite to a spectator's left (Heraldry). Also used generally in the same
Difference. - A symbol indicating a junior branch of a family (Heraldry).
Dog-tooth. - An ornament consisting of a series of pyramidal flowers of four petals; typical of 13th-
century work.
Dorter. - Dormitory.
Double-cube. - Where the height is equal to the width, and the length is twice the width.
Doublets. - A term used in architecture for two similar windows grouped together.
Dripping-eaves. - The uppermost course of a wall when corbelled out to prevent water dripping on the
Drum-tower. - A massive cylindrical tower.
Edge-roll. - A rounded or circular moulding, usually accompanied by flanking fillets (rectangular mould-
ings) or quirks (q.v.).
Egg-and-dart. - A series of ornaments alternatively oval, like an egg, and shaped like the head of a dart.
Engrailed. - Edged with a series of concave curves (Heraldry).
Ensigned. - Ornamented with a distinctive additional charge (Heraldry).
Entablature. - The parts of a structure directly resting on pillars or columns and composed of architrave,
frieze, and cornice.
Eradicated. - Torn up by the roots (Heraldry).
Erased. - Ragged, as if torn off, as distinct from couped or cut even (Heraldry).
Erminois. - Having a "field" or surface representing ermine (Heraldry).
Escallop. - A scallop shell (Heraldry).
Fascia. - A long flat surface.
Fess. - A horizontal band across the centre of the shield (Heraldry).
Fillet. - A narrow band on a moulding or separating two mouldings.
Finial. - Ornamented finish on a gable, butress, pediment, etc.
Fitchy. - Terminating in a point (Heraldry).
Flory. - In the case of a Tressure (q.v.) having fleurs-de-lis on one side only. See also Cross.
Foil (trefoil, quatrefoil, cinquefoil, etc.). - A leaf-shaped curve (of three, four, five, etc., arcs) formed by the
cusping (q.v.) in an opening or panel.
Frater. - The refectory or dining-hall of a monastery.
Fretted. - Having an ornamental pattern consisting of a combination of straight lines joined at an angle,
usually a right angle.
Gaff. - The spar from which a drawbridge was hung on chains and by which it was lifted.
Garb. - A wheat sheaf (Heraldry).
Gardant. - Full-faced (Heraldry).
Garderobe. - MediƦval sanitary provision.
Garnished. - Ornamented or "charged" (Heraldry).
Geometric tracery. - Openings composed of regular geometric forms.
Gorged. - Wearing a collar (Heraldry).
Griffe. - A "claw" or spray of ornament on the angle of a base.
Grille. - A projecting arrangement of iron bars.
Groined, Groins. - Having an angular curve formed by the intersection of two simple vaults, the edges of
which are Groins.
Gules. - Of a red colour (Heraldry).
Hauberk. - Tunic of mail armour.
Hood-moulding or Label. - A projecting moulding on the face of a wall above an arch, usually following the
form of the arch.
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