INVERKEITHING.] INVENTORY OF MONUMENTS IN FIFE. [INVERKEITHINGeastern corner and a flue at the corner dia-
gonally opposite, while there is a similar flue
in the cellar adjoining.
The ground plan shows the area mainly
occupied by the Friary, but there were
evidently other buildings in the orchard that
extended eastwards to the shore. On the plan the
remains of the original structures are coloured
black, such parts as have been rebuilt being
indicated by hatching or stippling.
HISTORICAL NOTE. - This house can be deter-
mined to be that described in a charter of 1605
as "the hospitium of Inverkeithing with the
gardens... which formerly belonged to the
Friars of the Order of St. Francis in Inver-
keithing." ¹ In 1384 the house of the Grey or
Minorite Friars in Inverkeithing was made free
of all secular burdens whatsoever. ² The con-
tributor to the Statistical Account (1793) ³ refers
to the fact that Dominican* and Fran-
ciscan Friars had convents in the town, and
continues : "There is a house called the Inns,
which still has peculiar privileges and exemp-
tions, not being within the jurisdiction of the
magistrates, and appears to have been one of
them, from its form, vaults, high garden walls,
and other buildings." In the article on the
parish in the New Statistical Account (1836) ⁴
it is stated that "An old tenement, named
'the Inns' is said to have been the residence of
Annabella Drummond, Queen of Robert III.
... The house is exempted from burgh juris-
diction, though in the middle of the town."
Mr. W. Moir Bryce writes that "there is good
reason to believe that an ancient building known
as the Palace now stands on the old friary
demesne, if it does not enclose a part of its
buildings, because the boundaries of the area
occupied by the Palace, from the street on the
north to the foreshore on the south, correspond
in general terms to those contained in the old
title deeds of the Friary." ⁵ It is clear, however,
that in the "Palace" we have the actual
hospitium of the Grey Friars. Part of the
domestic buildings of the Black Friars at St.
Andrews was known, while it still existed, as
"the Palace." ⁶ similar usage is noted in
connection with the Priory at Pittenweem
(No. 444). For other cases see Introd. p. lvii.
The name of "Inns" for a hospitium also has
* But the Dominicans or Black Friars had no house
in Inverkeithing.
a parallel in St. Andrews (No. 458). From the
name of a late 17th-century proprietor the
present building was known as "Rotmell's
Inn." For the history of the ownership of the
house and lands after the Reformation reference
may be made to the History of Inverkeithing
and Rosyth by the Rev. Wm. Stephen, pp. 302-7.
1 Reg. Mag. Sig., s.a.. No. 1626. 2 Exch.
Rolls, iii, p. 127. 3 x, p. 511 note. 4 ix, p. 240.
5 The Scottish Grey Friars, i, pp. 248-9. 6 Hay
Fleming, Handbook of St. Andrews, p. 13. Cf.
also Introd., p. lvii.
xliii N.W. 16 October 1930.
277. Rosyth Castle. - Until recent years this
castle stood on a small island, little more than
an outcrop of rock accessible at low tide, on
the foreshore of St. Margaret's Hope. The
reclamation of land in connection with the
Admiralty Dockyard, has, however, brought
the site well inland. The existing remains are
those of a rectangular enclosure of 16th- and
17th-century date abutting at the north-east
angle on a late 15th-century tower, which,
though slightly altered, is complete and in much
better condition than the rest of the buildings.
The tower had originally been attached to an
unusually lofty barmkin, 40 to 50 feet in height,
which was demolished, probably to gain light
and air, when the walls of the later enclosure
were erected with a series of lower structures
resting against their inner sides. The south
range is entirely destroyed, while the east and
west ranges are represented at their southern
ends merely by foundations, and are elsewhere
extremely ruinous. Of the north range, how-
ever, sufficient is left to indicate that it com-
prised a vaulted ground-floor and two upper
floors and was surmounted by a parapet-walk,
terminating at the north-west angle in a round
and at the eastern end against the tower. The
enclosed area has measured 60 feet from north
to south by 72 feet from east to west.
The entrance (Fig. 303) is in the north range
and opened into a transe, which was in all
likelihood once vaulted. The gateway is set
forward and may be rather later than the walling
behind. In the angles of the projection are
gun-loops, while other gun-loops are set in the
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