

[Page] 88
[Continued from page 87]

[Opposite page - sketch and text inserted] - Diagram.

has been placed within a larger circle, the stony
foundation of which is just traceable, measuring
in diameter some 26', close to the back but
against the wall presuming the front of this
outer circle to have been in the same direction
as the interior construction. Though no
small cairns are actually adjacent there
are a number sparsely scattered to the W. [West]
and S. [South]

Hut Circle Townhead.
On a natural terrace on the hill side to the ENE. [East North East]
of Townhead Farm and some 400 yds. [yards] distant
is a small hut circle excavated by Mr. Smith
a former tenant of the farm. It measures
interiorly 8' by 6' the longer axis being towards
the entrance which has been from the SSE. [South South East].
The floor was sunk about 1' below the ad:
:jacent natural level and
a low stony bank surrounded the edge. A small
hearth was found in the centre of the hut
formed of thin stones set obliquely in the
soil and wood ashes but no relics were
recovered. The hut circle is within a
large oval walled enclosure in an extreme
state of ruin but which may be of later
date. In one of the fields at a
lower elevation to the S. [South] of the farm it is

[Continued on page 89]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Trevor J Graham