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[Continued from page 63]

presents no level plat but from the crest
overlooking the burn it falls with
a slight declination towards the NW. [North West]. At the SW. [South West]
edge of the summit and just at the point where
the gradual slope upwards from the trench meets
the steeper declivity to the stream there appears to
be a small artificially levelled area with a
diameter of some 23'. The area cut off by the
defences measures some 206' from ?NE [North East] to SW. [South West] and
at right angles 118' with a rise of about 12' and
17' respectively from the top of the scarp to the
highest point at the edge of the hillock. The trench
extends along the SW. [South West] cut with a steep scarp
to a depth of about 16' and a width where
widest of about 55' from the level of the top
of scarp and counterscarp, and has been
continued round to the W. [West] where it appears
to have stopped at a hollow crossing its
direction to the base of the scarp. Beyond
this a terrace takes its place along the N. [North]
side to the edge of the burn. From this
direction the hillock rises with a longer
slope from its base and the terrace is
therefore at a relatively higher level than
the trench. The scarp above it has a
height of about 10'. A gap in the scarp

[Continued on page 65]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Trevor J Graham