

[Page] 62
[Continued from page 61]

the cottage of Langknowe and adjacent to the
tunnel of the Glasgow and South Western Railway
The site has been much under cultivation and
the lines of the fort except at the S. [South] end are
no longer clearly expressed. As shown on the
O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 25" scale the plan of the fort has been
quadrilateral, with rounded angles,
rather more square than elliptical but
with a considerable curvature on the S. [South] front.
The lines of this plan are still traceable though
the hollow which marks the line of the trench
on the N. [North] is not very distinct. On the W. [West] flank
there is a very slightly defined terrace while on
the E. [East] a hollow along the length of which
rushes are sprouting, clearly indicates a
ditch on that side. From N to S. [North to South] the interior
diameter is about 150'. The defence at the
N. [North] end consists of a trench some 33' in width
and 4' in depth. The elevation above sea
level is 644 ft. [feet].
On the way homewards I visited the Greirson
Museum at Thornhill. It is a most mis:
:cellaneous collection of "queeries." Botan:
:ical & geological specimens, monstrosities,
specimens of manufactures, much rubbish
and a few good things. There is a drawing of

[Continued on page 63]

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