

[Page 57]
[Continued from page 56]

defences, and ere it reaches to the actual
summit it passes on the E. [East] a large circular
depression measuring [--] in diameter seemingly
the site of a hut circle. On the W. [West] edge of
the summit plateau are several other smaller
depressions which also seem to have been
the sites of huts. At the end of the hollow
that lies between the first and second ramparts
and just to this side of the steep track which at this
point carries the roadway to the interior is
a well. In all directions except the W. [West] and
NW. [North West] where Auchengibbet Hill intrudes an
immense prospect over hill and valley is
commanded from the Doon which itself
is a very conspicuous object in the lands:
:cape for miles around. (MacGibbon has
made a careful plan & sections under my in:
:structions from which the above description
may be supplemented.)

Keir Par [Parish] Cairn Capenoch Moor (unnoted)
Situated on open moorland about 150 yds. [yards]
SE. [South East] of the most South Easterly point of Capenoch
Big Wood lies a large cairn of oblong form.
having its longest axis NE. [North East] and SW. [South West] and
expanding somewhat to the latter direction.
In length it measures 120' in breadth at the
NE [North East] end. 31', at 66' onwards 53' and at the SW. [South West]

[Continued on page 58]

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