

[Page 56]
[Continued from page 55]

plan some of the stones of this wall are coated
with lime and pieces of that material are to be
picked up along its course for a short distance and
at this point only. Below this summit wall
lie three distinct segmented ramparts with very
bold scarps rising to a height of [--] and [--]
respectively, with deep intervening hollows, while
at the lowest level to the outside is a slight trench
from which the lowest scarp rises, cut through
rock for almost its whole length the rock face
being exposed on the counterscarp. The termina:
:tion of these defences to the Northward is against
the steep slope of the hill (?) the second or lower
hollow being closed by an outcropping rock.
The ramparts are formed of earth & stone, the
excavated material from the intervening hollows,
and are unusually acutely pointed,
the spinters of rock of which they are largely com:
:posed having evidently maintained their position
well. From the Westward beyond the lines
a roadway approaches to the SW. [South West] arc of
the lower rampart and passes through it.
Within a flanking
defence is carried across the hollow between
the outer & second ramparts, the road being
evidently kept to the E. [East] away from the main

[Continued on page 57]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, noho