

[Page 47]
[Continued from page 46]

the O.S. [Ordnance Survey] map.
Here I parted with my assistant, a son of Mr.
Corrie the postmaster at Moniaive and rode
on at first down a rough and steep hill road
& from Barjarg by the high road to Capenoch to
be the guest of Mr. Gladstone. Capenoch is
a modern looking house built & in places
re-faced by Bryce in the Scottish Baronial
style. The older portion of the house, an oblong
structure at the N. [North] end, is rather anachronistic
in its features - having walls eight feet in
thickness and a double parallel vault on
the top storey. A careful examination, however,
shows that it is not probably older than the
18th century at which period it belonged to the
Kirkpatricks of Closeburn; further, historical
evidence points to its erection in the first
half of that century.

Foundations Capenoch
In a meadow enclosed by woodlands about
1/2 m. [mile] SW [South West] of Capenoch house are foundations
which appear to be those of a small rectangu:
:lar keep with buildings surrounding a court:
:yard attached to it. An ash tree of large di:
:mensions grows within the ruins of the
old keep.

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, noho