

[Page 43]
[Continued from page 42]

these are by no means definite. The hill culminates
in a point of outcropping rock to the N. [North] and NW. [North West]
of which lies a plateau bounded by a steepish
scarp down to a shoulder on the NW. [North West]. Along
the edge of this plateau in certain places there
are visible large laid blocks of stone while the
scarp beneath is strewn with debris. The
whole area is thickly covered with turf. On the
SE. [South East] face of the summit where the steeper slope
of the hill side breaks away indications of defences
are very slight. An old but comparatively
modern wall crosses the summit along the
upper side of the plateau.

Maxwillton Mote.
This mote has been formed out of a natural
gravel ridge rising above a low-lying meadow
that stretches back from the left bank of the
Cairn some 200 yds. [yards] distant, and is to be seen
by the roadside some 2 1/2 ms. [miles] to the East of
Moniaive. The mote rises in the centre of the
ridge and has an oval summit with
its longest axis NNW. [North North West] and SSE. [South South East]. Measuring in
diameter 70' by 60' and very level showing
no depression in the centre nor mound a:
:round the sides. Some 13' below the summit
level on the SSE. [South South East] a trench 26' in width from
crest to crest has been cut across the hillock

[Continued on page 44]

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