

[Page 25]
[Continued from page 24]

has surmounted a scarp with an average
height of about 5', rising from a terrace
some 17' in width at the NNW [North North West] end but di:
:minishing in breadth along the flanks. At
this end there is an indication of a slight
mound at the edge of the terrace which
drops by a scarp some 5' in height to a
narrow trench some 6' wide the upcast
from which has formed a low mound to
the outside. Passing along the flanks this
trench gradually merges into a lower terrace
which some 2/3 distant to the SSE. [South South East] end along the W [West] side melts
into the slope of the hillside. Along the E [East]
side the remains of the lower terrace are
very slight and disappear entirely at a hollow
which leads up into the interior from the ENE. [East North East]
near the centre and which has probably been
the entrance. The length of the interior is
some 272' and its breadth at the centre 158'

[Opposite page - two sketches and text inserted] - Sketch section at NNW. [North North West] end
Cross section. sketch.

The highest point in the centre of the fort is
some 18' above the upper terrace on the
W. [West] side and 11' on the E [East]. The tracing
from the 25" O.S. [Ordnance Survey] map gives an indication of
the shape of this fort but none of the
character of its defences.
The lines of this fort recalled those of the Laggan fort, Glasserton.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, noho