

[Page] 130
[Continued from page 129]

a height of some 30' on the W. [West] from the low
meadowland that reaches to the margin of the
Esk and cut off by a hollow on the N. [North] from the
rolling moorland beyond. Occupying all the
higher ground of the plateau and descending
to the lowlying ground on the E. [East], which its vallum
traverses some 70' out from the base of the plateau,
is an oblong entrenchment with its longest axis NNW. [North North West] to SSE. [South South East]. On the W. [West] it rests
on the edge of the steep bank with now no
apparent artificial defence, but enclosing the
enceinte on the three other sides is a vallum
consisting of a broad rampart now considerably
levelled by ploughing some 30' in breadth
at base, with a clearly defined trench to the outside.
The trench and rampart are best preserved on the N. [North] face where
the former measures some 30' across from crest to crest, 8' in depth below
the scarp and 2' below the counterscarp while the latter has a breadth
at base of about 30'.
The area enclosed measures through the centre some
540' by 360' and contains [--] acres. Somewhat
W. [West] of the centre at the N. [North] and S. [South] ends there
are entrances through the vallum
that on the S. [South] measuring
12' wide [Opposite page - text inserted] that on the N. [North] though the original dimension has been
interfered with by the intrusion of a turf
dyke apparently similar. With its Western flank resting on
the edge of the steep bank, a smaller enclosure
has been contained within the larger area
at 86' within the rampart at the N. [North] end and
106' at the S. [South] apparently surrounded, except
on the W. [West], by a rampart and either one or two

[Continued on page 131]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Trevor J Graham