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[Continued from page 125]

rock slightly quarried on the face at the back of the lower enclosure & rising to a
height of about 9'. The lower enclosure is oval
in form measuring some 160' by 120', and has
been hollowed out to some extent so that
the level of the interior is lower than that of
the ground outside. The entrance is from
the SE. [South East] and, as usual, opens on the lowest
part of the enclosure. In the SW. [South West] angle is
a hollow with a stony bank around it
which seems to be the site of a hut. The second
enclosure at the higher level appears to have been
more oblong in form but the bank around it
is slight and difficult to determine. There is
no trench and the construction has little of
the appearance of a fort.

Esk'muir Enclosure (4)
This enclosure is situated on the haunch of
the hill overlooking the valley of the
Burn more than 100' ft. [feet] below, and at an elevation
of over 1000 ft. [feet] above sea level. It is oval in form
with its longest axis N [North] by E [East] and S [South] by W [West]
measuring 180' by 140', and has been sur:
:rounded by a stony bank some 7' broad
at base, and now reduced to a height of
about 2'. The interior is very uneven and
on the N. [North] the rock is near the surface. There
are two entrances one at the S. [South] end about 8'
wide opening on the lowest level and the

[Continued on page 127]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Trevor J Graham