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[Continued from page 111]

measuring some 50' on each face, also hollowed out.

Enclosure. Meikledale. Unnoted.
This enclosure is situated at the edge of the
steep bank on the N. [North] side of the Meikledale burn
in an angle formed to the W. [West] of where that stream
is joined by a smaller burn flowing down
from Stibbiegill. The construction is oblong
in form with its longest axis NW. [North West] and SE. [South East]
200' in length, 50' at the NW. [North West] end and 104' at
the SE. [South East] which is curved. On the upper side
the ground has been considerably excavated
and there is a barely susceptible stony mound
along the crest of the scarp which, however, is
clearly defined though of low elevation on the
three other sides. It has been composed of
flattish stones apparently piled up and has
measured some 11' in width at base. The entrance
some 6' wide has been near the S. [South] angle adjacent
to the edge of the bank, giving access, as
usual to the lowest part of the enciente. It
lies at an elevation of about 500' over sea level.

Rigfoot Unnoted.
The shepherds' cottage at Rigfoot about
WNW. [West North West] of Meikledale farm is situated in another
of these excavated enclosures.

Standing Stone Meikledale Unnoted.
A standing stone known as the Grey Wether
is situated on the haughland some 250 yds [yards]
SSE. [South South East] of Meikledale. It is a large whinstone slab

[Continued on page 113]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Trevor J Graham