

[Page] 109
[Continued from page 108]

and some 300 yds [yards] ENE. [East North East] of the farm house are
various stony banks some of them comaratively
modern but it is traditionally reported that a "fort"
stood here and around the lower side of the
area whence the ground slopes sharply to
the haughland there is a mound broader than
elsewhere which is possibly the remains of a
defensive construction and the foundation
of some artificial work appears along the crest
of the bank facing the burn on the S. [South]

[Opposite page - photograph inserted]

Unthank site of Church.
Within the old churchyard of Unthank the
foundations of a church are indicated by grassy
banks but measurements are unobtainable.
An upright slab on the S. [South] side of the graveyard
to the memory to William Hutton late tenant in
Sundhope and Jean Scot his spouse dated
1764. The carving on the front of the slab
represents the man and wife standing arm
in arm.
Lying to the S. [South] of the W. [West] end of the foundations
of the church within the graveyard at Unthank
is a "trouch" table stone measuring 5'.2" by 3'.10 1/2"
inscribed at the top "Heir byes [--] Elliot
of Meikledale who died Aug. [August] 16. 1682.
Aged 83. In the centre of the slab
is a shield blazoned thus:- A lion affronte

[Continued on page 110]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Trevor J Graham, Kate51- Moderator