

[Page] 108
[Continued from page 107]

stony mound which elsewhere marks the periphery,
with a breadth at base of about 11'. The entrance
has been in the E [East] angle from the edge of the bank
overlooking the burn, and has been some 7' in
width. In the centre of the interior there is a stony
artificial mound with an elevation of about 3'
above the lowest level and against the W. [West] side
are discernible the foundation of a small
oblong structure. In the N. [North] angle there is a
circular or pearshaped foundation measuring
some 33' by 28' with its longest axis SW. [South West] and NE. [North East]

Enclosure Blackhall.
This enclosure is situated about 100 yds. [yards] to the
SE. [South East] of Blackhall at the foot of the Blackhall
Hill and at the edge of a steep bank some
25' high above the Carewoodrig burn which
flows by it on the W. [West]. It has been in shape
an elongated oval with its longest axis parallel
to the edge of the bank, measuring interiorly some
150' by 87', but has suffered so much from the
plough that the mound which probably
surrounded it is now only recognisable
at the edge of the bank where it has a breadth
at base of from 8' to 14'. The interior has as
usual been hollowed out.

Where the SW. [South West] slope of Seppings Hill runs out
to a point on the N. [North] side of the Unthank Burn

[Continued on page 109]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Trevor J Graham