

[Page] 79
[Continued from page 78]

in elevation as it approaches the E [East] end where
there was probably an entrance. Along the
E [East] flank of the hillock, continued from the
trench at the S. [South] end, there appears to have been
a terrace some 10' above the base, below
which for a distance of 70' at the lowest level
there lies a structureless mass of stone very
largely overgrown with turf. Approaching
the actual summit from the S. [South] at
an elevation of 6' below it, there is an irregular
terrace 6' wide onto which the track up the W. [West] slope
would, lead and which merges into the
steep slope of the E. [East]. The summit
is an irregular oblong with many inequalities
on its surface and a general dip from
W [West] to E. [East] measuring 78' from end to end
and 47' across: At the S. [South] end there are
indications of banking up and building
but the whole is overgrown with grass and
evidence of structure are vague.
Along the line of debris at the base on the
E. [East] are to be seen pieces of fused stone
and one fragment was picked up on
the level of the terrace above it, but it
is impossible to state without excavation
whether this has come from a wall on the
summit as seems probable or not. ( Coles's plan will do.)

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Alison James- Moderator, mac1