

[Page] 78
[Continued from page 77]

contour all round especially so on the W. [West] where it
presents a precipitous face of rock and its most
gradual inclination has been from the S [South]. To isolate
it from the Northward continuation of the ridge a
broad trench some 16' wide and 9' to 10' in
depth has been cut through the rock, opening
at its E. [East] end into an earshaped expansion with a curve
round the base towards the SE. [South East] and measuring
some 54' by 20'. The W. [West] side of the hillock
is so steep as to render artificial defence unnecessary
but from that side a track or roadway passes
up diagonally towards the lower end of the
summit. At the extreme S. [South] end across the
tail of the ridge has been excavated a deep
trench varying in breadth from 14' to 19'
and measuring in depth 12' below the steep scarp
and 4' below the counterscarp. Contained behind
the rocky scarp of this trench & 30' below the summit is an enclosure also
earlike in shape formed partially by quarrying
and partly by building on the top of the
wall of rock which curves round it from
the S W. [South West] end of the hillock. Its longest axis
lies across the base measuring
some 54' while the contrary axis measures 28'.
The enclosing rock rises to a height of 8' above
the bottom on the W. [West] & gradually decreases

[Continued on page 79]

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Alison James- Moderator, mac1