

[Page] 59
[Continued from page 60]

roadway 8' wide which leads up an incline from
the N. [North] and is flanked by the natural slope of the
hillock on the E. [East] before it merges into the terrace
From the W. [West] near the middle of
the N. [North] side there is visible another roadway
leading up to the terrace, and some 30' to the
W. [West] of the point where it opens on to it, there is a
broad gap possibly of secondary character caused by the levelling down of the
scarp from the summit.
A stony heap at the SW [South West] end of the summit may
be the remains of the rampart and stones cleared
from its site in cultivation.

Castle Creavie Fort (2)
This fort is situated at the N.E [North East] extremity of an area of rough hillocky ground
about 1/4 m [mile] E [East] of Castle Creavie farm at an
elevation of [blank] and about 1/4 m. [mile] SSE . [South South East] from
the last. The site is a rocky hillock rising
with a gradual inclination from the S W. [South West]
to a height of some 20' and thereafter dropping
sharply to a point towards the NE [North East] . The E [East] flank
is steep & rocky while the W [West] is by nature
grassy and accessible. The original lines of fortification are not very clear. Across the lower
end of the hillock at the S W [South West] has been dug
a trench some 6' in depth with the upcast forming a mound to the outside
carried along the W. [West] flank & seeming to terminate
where the ground becomes steeper below the highest
front of the hillock, while the rocky E. [East] flank

[Continued on page 60]

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Bizzy- Moderator, mac1