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[Continued from page 57]

rock by the formation of a terrace along its slopes
and the erection of a rampart around the
edge of its summit. The fort is oval in shape
with its longest axis WSW. [West South West] and ENE [East North East].
measuring within its defences 206' x 114'. Towards
the WSW. [West South West] it has been much interfered with
in the course of cultivation and its defences
ploughed down, but along the S [South] side its lines
are well preserved. Here the hillock has an
elevation of some 26' and at 14' below
the summit occurs the terrace with a
width varying from 6' - 8'. As it approaches
the E N E [East North East] end of the fort the terrace rises
till it is only 10' below the crest of the summit rampart
and crosses the end of the hillock as a
trench cut through the rock 10' wide with
a rampart like mass of rock left to form
a counterscarp. Passing along the N [North] flank
it again dips to a level some 12' to 14' below
that of the summit & continues with an average width of 10'. The summit rampart
though traceable along the N. [North] side is only
prominent at the ENE. [East North East] end where it rises to
a height of about 3' above the interior. On
the summit there extends along the S. [South] side
for about two thirds of its length a rocky outcrop
rising to about 9' in height. The outer
rocky rampart at the ENE. [East North East] end has been cut
away on its SE. [South East] side to give space for a

[Continued on page 59]

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Bizzy- Moderator, mac1