

[Page] 141
[Continued from page 140]

Galtway Churchyard
Within a central enclosure in the old
churchyard and against the S. [South] wall of it
lies a slab 5'.7" in length by 1'.3" in width
inscribed in Gothic characters along one side
and both ends. The inscription is much
worn but as far as decipherable reads
In the centre of the enclosure lies a large flat
slab on four pillars on which is sculptured
a shield charged with a chevron and
the inscription Hic jacet Thomas Lidderdale
Sanctae insulae Mariae dominus qui
obiit decimo die Februarii anno 1687 aetatis
The lower end of the stone has been cut down
and an inscription to his son incised on it.

Kirkland Fort.
This fort is situated by the road-side
about 1/2 m. [mile] to the E. [East]
of the town of Kirkcudbright on the top
of an elongated hillock not commanding any
particular prospect or strategic position.
It is ellipsoidal in form fashioned from
the hillock by cutting a trench right across to
form the N. [North] end and partially to form the S. [South]
leaving a space of 21' in width at one
side to form a roadway. There has been
a parapet mound around the interior

[Continued on page 142]

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