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marks, meeting tangentially and further con:
:nected by a segmental curve, containing a
cup mark in the enclosed angle. Both
sets of circles are interrupted by a radial
grooves that from the upper circle taking a
right angled bend to a small cup mark on passing
beyond the outermost ring. A number
of other cup marks, unconnected are placed parallel
to one quadrant. On one of the other faces
are a number of cup marks surrounded
by single rings with channels running from
the two adjacent rings to a fissure in the rock.

Galtway Cup & ring Markings
On a flat topped outcropping rock some 200
yds [yards] E. [East] of the NE. [North East] point of the wood in which
is situated the old churchyard of Galtway are
incised on separate planes four cups
surrounded by concentric rings. In two
instances the continuity of the rings is inter:
:rupted by an open space untraversed by a
radial groove. In one case such a
groove is traceable and in the fourth
the surface is too much worn for observation.
The surface of one figure recently un:
:covered is marked with numerous small

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Kate51- Moderator, mac1