

[Page] 13
[Continued on page 12]

quadrant lie a series of rampart-like rocky
ridges) The fort which is irregularly circular
measures in diameter about 106' from N [North] - S [South] and
from E [East] to W [West] and has been defended by a trench
some 30' wide from crest to crest and 7' 6" in
greatest depth when measured on the N. [North] This trench is well defined
from N [North] by W. [West] to S E. [South East] but on the steeper sides of
the hill it is lost in the slopes. A slight mound
has existed along the top of the scarp. Where
the trench appears to have terminated towards
the N E. [North East] there has been an entrance and there
are indications of another entering the enceinte
from the W. [West] From the outer side of the ditch
at the N E, [North East] a broad bank runs down the slope
of the hill as if to flank the approach coming
up from that direction. (On the N. [North] the ditch
is crossed by a solid bank on traverse which
does not rise to the level of the scarp.)
(The compass mark in Mr. Coles' plan appears
to be wrongly placed.)

Fort .
This fort is situated at a sharp angle
on the upper side of the road about 1/4 m. [mile]
to the W. [West] of Bombie. The site is at the lower
edge of a plateau which intervenes between
the steeper slope of the hillside and the
sharp fall of some 50' or thereby to the

[Continued on page 14]

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Bizzy- Moderator, Jessie Young