

[Page] 12
[Continued from page 11]

width. Within the ditch
the N. [North] side only is complete while the E [East] and
W. [West] sides owing to the ploughing down of the
S. [South] end are somewhat indefinite in that direction
As far as measureable the dimensions
appear to have been 166' from N [North] to S [South]
by 122' from E. [East] to W. [West]
^ but if the highest point at the S.W. [South West] angle
indicates the original edge the S. [South] end has
been some 10' narrower than the N. [North] The
filling up of the ditch on the W. [West] may, however,
account for this apparent discrepancy.
The lines of the fort are straight & the scarps
regular. The scarp of the ditch
where best preserved along the E. [East] side has
a vertical elevation of 7' [feet] or 8' [feet] and lies at
an angle of about 38°. There appears to have
been a parapet mound above the scarp.
visible on the E. [East] side, some 12' broad at base
The angles are rounded and the mass of soil
at the N W. [North West] angle seems to indicate some
additional defence at this point. In the
interior the N [North] end for some 36' lies at a
considerably higher level than the rest. ^ There is no indication of an
entrance through either of the two sides
still fairly complete.

O.S [Ordnance Survey]
Meikle Sypland
The O.S. [Ordnance Survey] marks the existence of a moat
about 1/2 m. [mile] N. [North] of Meikle Sypland. The
site is a rocky ridge enclosed by a wall
and planted but so overgrown with bracken
and bramble that observation is impossible

Meikle Sypland
OS. [Ordnane Survey] Moat
This fort occupies the summit of an
irregular rocky hill rising by an easy
gradient from N [North] and W [West] and with a
steep & somewhat rocky aspect towards
the S [South] and E. [East] (Around its base on the S E. [South East]

[Continued on page 13]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Bizzy- Moderator, Jessie Young