

[Page] 127
[Continued from page 126]

[Opposite page 2 x photographs inserted]

few inches above the surface a small convex
pointed rock 1' in breadth at its broadest. Where
the convexity is greatest there is a single cup
mark which has been surrounded -. (see sketch
& photo. )

On the S. [South] side of the hollow lies a long pro:
:minent rocky ridge and near its E [East] end
some 30' S. [South] of the highest point there is exposed
a group of sculptures much worn consisting
of a hollowed disc 2" in diameter, cut with very
straight ? wall side to a depth of 1/4" and surrounded
by 5 concentric rings. The whole figure measures
10" in diameter. A few inches distant, higher
up the slight slope of the rock, is a single cup
with one encircling ring. (see rubbings & photos.)
The field in which these sculpturings are to
be found is next but one to the W. [West] of the Smithy.
Mr. Coles gives other three sites in this neighbour:
: hood which I did not visit but which may
be described from his text. (p. [page] 88. Antiq. [Antiquaries (of Scotland)] 1895.)

Little Ross Island.
Mr. Coles in a foot note incidentally mentions
the discovery of some cup & ring markings "on
rocks below high-water mark on the island called
Little Ross." As he gives no more detailed

[Continued on page 128]

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