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[Opposite page photograph inserted]

A broad gap through the middle rampart
towards the W. [West] and a slight depression on
the innermost scarp seems to indicate the position
of the entrance. The ramparts are of earth
and stone.

Borgue Par. [Parish]
Clauchandolly Rock Sculpturings.
On a very low and rather flat rock which lies near the
W. [West] end of a long hollow running down from
the direction of Clauchandolly smithy and
about 40 [yards] distant from the dyke which crosses
the field is the group of rock sculptures shown
on fig [figure] (28) Certain features in this group
call for special remark. The centre of the
four-ringed figure to the left is not an ordinary
cup, but a hollow disc, and there is a
straight, clean cut groove between the sharply
defined points of the incomplete rings. In the
middle group, none of the five rings are complete
a blank space being left between their open
ends, while a similar space in the figure to
the right is occupied by a cup and is
bounded by the outermost ring. Both the
latter figures are partially encircled by
cup marks very regularly placed. The groove
around the oblong hollow is peculiar .
To the N. [North] of the hollow in the same field
and nearer the centre there protrudes only a

[Continued on page 127]

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