

[Page] 91
[Continued from page 90]

have come from a spot near Carsphairn
village called the "Crumock Knowes" (see F.
R. Coles' Paper) It is also said to have come from
Bardennoch. (see Harper.)

2nd Augt. [August] see p. [page] 92

3rd Augt. [August]
Threatened with a failure of our water supply
owing to the abnormally dry summer had
to go to Castle Douglas & get the plumber,
wrote up notes for the rest of the day.

4th Augt. [August] 1911
Car to Balmaclellan.

Balmaclellan Par. [Parish] Mote of B'maclellan
Towards the Southern end of a round
backed ridge which rises to the N. [North] of the
village of Balmaclellan stands the mote
hill. In form it is a simple truncated
cone rising to a height of about 18' with a
scarp at an angle of 38ยบ and encircled at
base by a ditch about 12' wide. The latter
feature now remains distinct and open to a depth of 2', only
towards the SW. [South West] but may be traced all around
and on the N. [North] where it was under a corn
crop at the date of visit its extent was
clearly demarcated by the deeper green of the
oats growing upon it. The flat summit
measures some 38' in diameter. The mound
appears to be formed of compacted soil
& gravel with occasional boulders.

Bal'clellan Churchyard.
Standing near the edge of the churchyard

[Continued on page 92]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Brenda Pollock