

[Page] 66
[Continued from page 65]

been ploughed down. Its character is quite
indeterminate without excavation.

3rd Sept. [September]
Visit to Borrobol lodge to excavate hut

6 Sept. [September]
Returned to Thurso - made various business
calls - arranging about survey of stone
rows at Dounreay - visit to Stroma on
Thursday 15th inst. &c. Wrote up notes & completed
plan of survey of stone rows at Dirlot.

7th Sept. [September]
Tulloch of Shalmstry (15)
A beautiful day. Bicycled to Hoy.
Situated on the E. [East] side of the road from Thurso
to Georgemas and some 300 yds SE. [South East] of Shalmstry
farm is a green mound containing the ruins
of a broch. The outer face of the wall is exposed
towards the SE [South East] and the diameter over all
appears to have been some 72'. The elevation
is about 7'. The entrance passage which has
been from the E [East] has been opened out at its
outer termination and is there 2'.10" in width.

Brawl Castle.
The ruins of Brawl Castle are situated in
rear of the present mansion on the N. [North] bank of the Thurso River and about 1/2 m. [mile]
N.E. [North East] of Halkirk. The tower is a rectangular building
measuring externally some 35' x 37' and existing
to the level of the top of the second storey.
The battlements & distinctive features of the roof
have, however, all disappeared. The walls are

[Continued on page 67]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jayell