

[Page] 67
[Continued from page 66]

[Opposite page - text inserted] At the SE. [South East] angle on the exterior there has been some
projection, probably a buttress.

from 8' to 10' in thickness. The entrance door
is on the first floor level through the SW. [South West] angle
and just within it the staircase rises to the
right in the thickness of the wall. The
basement measures 20'.9" x 18' and has not been
vaulted. It has had no external door and has
been lighted by two narrow vertical loop holes.
On the first floor are deep broad window recess
in the N. [North] and W. [West] walls. They are arched & furnished with stone seats, and
measure 6' in width, 6'.3" in depth and 8'.2" in
height. In the E [East] wall are a fire place & garderobe
and there is a closet in the SW [South West] angle. The floors have
all fallen. The corbels of the first floor exist
along one half of the S. [South] wall are exceedingly
broad forming a pavement 3' - 4' Across. The
walls appear to have been built with clay
and the castle appears to date from the
14th century.

Broch Hoy (11)
In the centre of the steading of Hoy Farm are
the remains of a broch. The close proximity of
the farm house has necessitated the demoli:
:tion of the tower on one side and elsewhere the
facing stones have been in large measure re:
:moved. The diameter of the mound as it
remains is some 45' and its elevation 13' - 14'.
A section of the wall exposed shows it to

[Continued on page 68]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, mac1