

[Page 46]
[continued from page 45]

shepherd's house at Braegrudie is an ancient

[Margin] Unnoted

walled enclosure of about 1/2 an acre, with an
entrance from the S. [South]. On the W. [West] side of the
entrance is a small circular enclosure with a
diameter of some 12' and walls about 6' thick
opening onto the entrance and opposite at the
other extremity of the wall a smaller circle.
These walls do not present the appearance of
such great antiquity as others where similar
features are apparent.

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 1.

A little more than half a mile E.N.E. [East North East] of the
shepherd's house at Braegrudie just above the
600 ft. [feet] contour line on a terrace on the hill
side is a stone circle. There has been a
double circle. an outer one with a diameter of

[Sketch inserted]

28' and and an inner with
a diameter of 22'. Of the
outer circle only two stones
apparently remain in
position and 2 lie prostrate. The largest stone
is at the W. [West] side and faces 10ยบ S of E. [South of East]. It measures
6'6" in height, is triangular in section measuring
about 2' across each side. 8' to the S [South] of it lies another
large pointed stone also 6'6" long and about
1'9" across. The next stone in the outer circle
is to the SW. [South West] & is also prone It measures 4'4"

[continued on page 47]

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Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson