

[Page 45]
[continued from page 44]

extended outwards some 7' beyond that
on the opposite side.
On a slight eminence from 1/2 to 3/4 m. [mile] N. [North] of the
upper end of the wood on the opposite side of
the Brora and 3-400 yds [yards] NE [North East] of the river are the
ruins of a stone built hut circle. The interior

[Margin] Unnoted.

circumference is formed of large contiguous
boulders those on the outer being smaller.

[Sketch inserted]

The entrance is from SE. [South East] and is about 1'9" in
width through a
passage 9' in length
formed as usual by
the thickening of the
wall which is 5' thick
round the circumference.
At 19' from the entrance
in the interior is crossed by a wall some 4' thick
forming an arc enclosing an inner space some
22' across by 7'6" having an inner circle
of about 3'6" diameter at the back of it partially
recessed into the back wall. The ruins pre:
:vent the position of the entrance to the back
enclosure being apparent. There are indica:
:tions of other enclosures in the interior. There
are no cairns in the immediate vicinity.
On the hill side about 3/4 - 1m. [mile] to the N. [North] of the

[continued on page 46]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson