

[Page 103]
[continued from page 102]

oval enclosure measuring interiorly about
16' x 7' directly opposite the main entrance.
The W. [West] half of the main enclosure is at
a slightly lower level than the rest of the
interior. The outer bank terminates abruptly
on the NW. [North West]. Seven feet E [East] of the entrance
in the interior is the entrance to an under:
:ground house passing under the bank,
which at this point is 7' thick. It is covered
by a linlet [lintel] 3'.4" long, 1' deep & 1'.2" wide. The
entrance is 2' wide and 4' high and is reached by two
or three steps. The passage at first slopes down:
:wards and runs inwards at about 70ยบ E of S. [East of South]
for 6' then turning Southwards to the right at 13'.6" it
takes a Southerly direction which it maintains
to the end which is reached at about 26' following
the curve of the S. [South] wall. At 12' from the
entrance it is 2'.9" wide. At 17' there is a slight
intake on the E [East] wall contracting the passage
to 2'.6". At 21' it expands to 2'.10" and
gradually widens to the back where it measures
3'.6" across, and is 4'.10" high. The whole
of the passage except a few feet at the entrance
is covered with boulders to within about 2'.8" of
the roof and at the end where a few stones
have been picked out so as to expose the

[continued on page 104]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson