

[Page 102]
[continued from page 101]

marshy spot with no trace of cultivation anywhere
in the vicinity are two parallel mounds about
18' apart & 22' long x 14' broad and 4' high, slightly
converging to one end. This appears to me to be
a kiln similar to those noted elsewhere.

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 25.

There are numerous small cairns of the usual
type scattered along the side of the glen

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 30.

Some 1000 yds. [yards] above the road bridge over the
Caen, on W [West] side of the glen about 200' above the
burn is a hut circle.

[Sketch inserted]

It enters from the SE. [South East]
through a passage 12'.6"
long and about 3' wide
The main enclosure is
circular with a diameter
of 37' surrounded by a
bank about 4' thick
increasing towards the entrance
The interior has been diminished by a wall or
bank, from 2' to 4' thick running in a curve from
side to side at a distance of 24'.6" from the centre
of the entrance along the circumference. The
crescentic space left between the back of this
wall and the outer bank is at a slightly higher
level than the interior. Against the inside of
this wall there appears to have been another small

[continued on page 103]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson