

[Page] 81
[Continued from page 80]

exists on the right of the entrance entering at
5 ft. [feet] in from the outside. It is 8 ft. [feet] long, & rounded
at the end, 2 ft. [feet] 6” to 3 ft. [feet] wide and from present
floor level to covering flags, 4’.3” high. About
24 ft. [feet] along the wall to the S.E. [South East] the top of
another chamber filled with debris is visible.
There are no details of the passage obtainable.
Between the N [North] end of Loch Creagach & the
road on the W [West] side and about 100 ft [feet] back from
the loch is a hut circle of usual character,
the length of the entrance passage into the
interior being about 7 ft. [feet]. The farm manager
at Eriboll farm tells me there are many circles
and tumuli about the hills there.

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 3.

On a low projecting rock on the E. [East] bank of
Loch Eriboll at the S. [South] end of the Camus an Dun
about 1 m. [mile] S. [South] of Heilam Ferry are the remains
of a fort or dun to the W. [West] of a fisherman’s cottage.
It appears to have been an elliptical structure
in outline, with an entrance to sea-ward on
the point of the rock 5 ft. [feet] wide. The length
of the structure over all appears to have been
about 55 ft. [feet] its breadth 42’ about the centre
but the indefinite outline of the N. [North] wall does not(?)
allow this to be accurately obtained. The
thickness of the walls at the entrance is

[Continued on page 82]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, DANIALSAN, Jane F Jamieson